Monday, May 25, 2009

Just a lil bit of Action..Went last week to watch Chase and the DEA Eagles in their play-off game..
Traveled down to Adel to attend Lauren's Graduation, she is an Honor Grad!! YAY~ Took a few pix of Anzleigh my other neice. Her kitten was so cute. My sister found it in the yard and saved it from the valley...Its healthy and soo sweet!~Patches

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tonja's Bridal Session

Here are a few of the pix from Tonja's Bridal Session~

The day started w/ a surprise.....Rain......But it was perfect, Meechel and Cliff played host, their new house turned out the best backdrops. Tonja is absolutely stunning in her gown. She is just ..well look and see, WOW!

Corperate America:D

Ok its official!! I rocked the corporate shoot!! Per and his father were unbelievably fun to work with. They were also very creative. They made my big shoot seem effortless and easy.(Thank God for small things like deodorant-haha) I also learned a few more post production tricks...And I am sooo happy I to have had the opportunity...

This is reflection time- I read a FB bumper sticker that said, "Sometimes things fall apart, so that other things can fall together". I do believe it was not by accident that this all seems to be falling, but a shower of Blessings..Do let it keep raining, I love dancing in the rain..